The Bible gives each student of God’s Word an understanding of what the terminology “Biblical Israel” in our name conveys. As unto God, we support the nation of Israel as it exists today, and even more so in God’s plan for Israel in the future. However, it must be noted that we do not necessarily agree with all political positions taken by the present or successive governments.

The Old Testament promises to God’s chosen people are not diminished by New Testament teachings. On the contrary they are validated and attested. We find that Romans 11 is a good example of this. It also teaches that Christians should be grateful and obligated to God’s chosen people for the benefits we have received from our Lord working through them. Was not our Savior and Lord a Jew? In the past two thousand years, God’s grace has flowed primarily to the Gentiles due to God’s dealing with Israel both in the past and present.

In this chapter there is a metaphor about a good olive tree and a wild olive tree. The good olive tree is representing the nation of Israel and the wild olive tree is representing the Gentiles of the whole world. It teaches that branches were broken off the good olive tree because of unbelief and replaced with grafted branches (believing gentiles) that were cut out of the wild olive tree. For the sake of brevity, the point that needs to be made about the metaphor at this time is that the grafted branches which are “contrary to nature” are not to boast since “God is able to graft them (the natural branches) in again.” How much more then will the natural branches be readily received by the good olive tree when they are grafted in again (vs. 26)? It is clearly taught in scripture that Christians are grafted into the good olive tree simply because we have accepted Israel’s Messiah.

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The oracles of God (His word and will in truth and in revelation) were committed to the Jew – Romans 3:1-2.

God gave the land to the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – Exodus 32:13, Deuteronomy 34:4.

Israel is to be a light to the Gentiles: Isaiah 42:6, Isaiah 49:6, Isaiah 60:3, Luke 2:32, Acts 13:47, Acts 26:23.

Under the Law of Moses, the promise was conditional. The Bible teaches that Israel failed God’s standard. The people are sent into exile by God.

In the books of the prophets, the land is again to be restored to Israel and the Jewish people. We are in the beginning of seeing these prophecies fulfilled. Israel is returning, and in the future Jesus, their Messiah, will come again and set up His Kingdom on earth. But until that time, Christians (all who believe the Gospel and accept Jesus as their Savior) are to let their light shine in order to point others to God and our Savior, the Messiah of Israel and the Jewish people.

With these in mind, God will restore Israel to her original purpose of showing forth His Glory and Praise to the world! There are many prophecies in the Bible that foretell of this coming to pass.

We see then that the light was originally to be from Israel to point the Gentiles to God. Jesus said to let your light shine and taught how they (Israel) were to do so. This meant for them to live in such a way that people would see God and Messiah in their everyday lives. The Bible teaches that Israel will do as God first commanded them to do during the reign of their Messiah. But until that time Christians are to be the light to the World.

Jesus taught how to love, to give, and to be a blessing to other people. This is what Christians For Biblical Israel is doing. Together, with your help, we can do much more. Will you join with us in letting our lights shine? Your tax deductible gift will be used to help the poor, and to let a Christian light shine before a needy and unbelieving world.

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16