March 2018

March 12, 2018

Dear Friends in Christ,

Thank you for your prayers for our annual board meeting.  I thank our Lord for His blessings and leading in the meeting.  We have made decisions that we trust will see Christians for Biblical Israel grow and do more to bring glory to our Father in Heaven.  I believe these will also make CFBI more effective in equipping our brothers and sisters ministering in Israel as they reach out to the lost and to the poor and needy.

Another prayer request that I have is for my health.  I thank God for the seventy-one years He has given me and for the over thirty years of service since my missions call to Israel.  God saved me at the age of nine at what is still my home church.  He has given me so many wonderful friends and supporters of this ministry.  He has done so much for me and He has taught me, and is still teaching me, to love and trust Him more each day.

Thank you all for being a great encouragement to me especially since my beloved wife went home to be with our Lord over three years ago.  Praise God for His comforting hand and His promise to never leave us, or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).  Please continue in your prayers for God’s blessings upon CFBI so we can encourage our projects in Israel as we minister together with them in helping people in need.

There is a great need and expediency to get the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ out to lost souls, and to be a blessing to Israel.  My prayer and my desire is to encourage you as the Lord leads us together in helping with the ministry needs in Israel.

A report from Project Ecclesia;

“We too have a list of families in the church who are struggling economically. One of the ways to help is to pay the heating bills during our short winter and to give out food cards. Each needy family has their specific needs. We try to fit the help to the specific need, to make sure the need is met. Helping a parent with good dental work is a huge help. Helping with rent in a hard month, is a great help. We pray that people will be able to see our faith at work as well – in loving them.”

Thank you for your love, prayers, support, and giving to the work of CFBI’s ministry.  We praise and thank the Lord for each of you in our prayers.

Yours for Israel and God’s Chosen People,

Talmadge Campbell and Christians for Biblical Israel


Christians for Biblical Israel

1305 Lisa St., P.O. Box 155118, Bellmead, TX 76705
