May 2018

May 12, 2018

Dear Friends in Christ,

Thank you for your prayers for my health.  God’s blessings abound to us each day.  In the midst of our trials comes grace and great peace as we keep our faith and trust in Him.

My home church is now helping with the website and making it better, along with taking over many of my other responsibilities.  This is an answer to my prayer.  I have gotten to a point in my health where it has been difficult in carrying out many of my duties and responsibility.  I thank our Lord for His provisions at this time in CFBI’s ministry.  My plans, the Lord willing, are to continue serving and doing what I can to be a blessing to you and to our Israel projects.  In addition, my prayer is that each of you will continue with your prayers and support for Christians for Biblical Israel’s ministry.  Our projects, and our brothers and sisters serving in Israel are doing a great work and growing in the Lord.  Their needs are great and I am thankful for the Lord’s blessings so that we can continue to partner with them for the salvation of many souls and with providing for the poor and needy.

In the near future, you may be getting communication from CFBI that does not have my name on it.  Brother Mike Lindsay and his wife Jean Ann have been a vital part of Timmie’s and my missionary work over the many years.  Mike Lindsay will continue in CFBI’s ministry along with Pastor Gerald McKelroy, and Bill Feltenberger.  Bills wife, Carroll, will be helping also.  Adam Watson will be working with the website.  Please keep us in your prayers.

Christians for Biblical Israel’s mission statement says, “CFBI’s mission is to bring glory to our Father which is in heaven by working to point Israel to her Deliverer and by caring for the poor and the needy (Matthew 5:16, Romans 11:26).”  Jesus came to give His life a ransom for lost souls.  In His travels to preach the Kingdom of God, He took the road that led Him to the lost, to the poor and to the needy.  He gave His all on the cruel cross for you and me.  As our projects follow Jesus, they often face great opposition but continue to serve diligently to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Please keep them and CFBI in your prayers.

Thank you for your love, prayers, support, and giving to the work of CFBI’s ministry.  We praise and thank the Lord for each of you in our prayers.

Yours for Israel and God’s Chosen People,

Talmadge Campbell and Christians for Biblical Israel


Christians for Biblical Israel

1305 Lisa St., P.O. Box 155118, Bellmead, TX 76705
